Handout for NYSSCPA

Digital Wellness


October 2023


Dear All,

Thank you again for attending the session on Digital Culture at NYSSCPA.

Remember, it’s all about you being in control as opposed to tech being in control of you!

Purchase my BEST Seller Udemy Course here

RaderCo Email Extinguisher Action Plan here

FREE Access to my book on ‘As Simple as ABCDE.. Creating a healthier Digital Lifestyle’ here

Digital Wellness Courses:

·        Digital Wellness Institute (leading course on Digital Wellness in the market) (Use code ‘Rijul Arora’ for a 10% discount)

Blogs, Books & Resources:

·        Blog on Digital Wellness

·       My books on Digital Wellness, Detox, and Screen Time Contracts here

Products on Digital Wellness:

·      Analog Alarm Clocks, Screen Time Family Set, and other products on Digital Wellness here ( Use code ‘RIJULARORAS’ for a 12% discount)

Thanks again to Beth and NYSSCPA team for facilitating this. In case of any anything else, feel free to reach out to me here

Kind Regards,

Rijul Arora, Leading Digital Wellness Thought Leader in India

E: rijul@rijularora.com

W: www.rijularora.com

L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rijularora/