Mindful in a Digital Age
Every day, I rise to a world aglow—
pixels blinking, headlines calling,
a thousand voices woven in the hum
of endless notifications.
But I have learned to pause.
To look beyond the screen’s glow,
to step outside and listen—
to wind against the trees,
to the laughter of children untethered,
to the quiet hum of my own breath.
I have learned to touch the world again
not with a swipe,
but with my hands in the earth,
with my feet on the ground,
with my eyes meeting eyes, not glass.
This, too, is a kind of knowing.
That the world is vast beyond the feed,
that the mind stretches in silence,
that joy does not come from scrolling,
but from being wholly, deeply here.
And so I turn the screen to rest,
not in rebellion, but in wisdom—
for the truest connection
has always been just beyond it.