She logged off.

She logged off. Without a second thought or a swipe, she logged off.

She let go of the endless scrolling.

She let go of the notifications pulling her in.

She let go of the pressure to be always available.

She let go of the curated feeds telling her what to want,

what to be,

who to follow.

She let go of the fear of missing out.

She let go of the ‘just one more check’ before bed.

She let go of the mindless refresh.

Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry,

she just logged off.

She didn’t ask for an app to track it.

She didn’t search for the perfect productivity hack.

She didn’t post a goodbye message.

She just logged off.

She let go of the need for likes and validation.

She let go of the emails waiting to be answered.

She let go of the open tabs stacking up in her mind.

She didn’t promise to log off.

She didn’t schedule it in her planner.

She didn’t wait for Monday to start fresh.

She simply put down the device.

No one noticed.

No one clapped.

No one sent a message asking where she went.

Like a leaf drifting from a tree, she just logged off.

There was no struggle.

No resistance.

No guilt.

In the quiet space of disconnection,

she reconnected.

A deep breath filled her lungs.

A small smile came over her face.

A light breeze danced across her skin.

And the world—real and present— shone evermore.

-ChatGPT, OpenAI


Mindful in a Digital Age


Digital Wellness Lessons from Inside Out: Finding Harmony Online