Thriving vs. Failing in Digital Well-being: A Poetic Reflection

To fail at digital well-being...
Wake up and reach for your phone before your thoughts.
Scroll endlessly, letting the hours slip away.
Check notifications obsessively, mistaking urgency for importance.
Let emails, messages, and updates dictate your day.
Ignore the world around you—
friends, family, the quiet moments of life.
Let the screen become your escape, your habit, your tether.

To succeed at digital well-being...
Wake up and breathe before you scroll.
Set intentions before screens set them for you.
Create before you consume.
Use technology as a tool, not a trap.
Make space for presence—conversations without distractions,
walks without pings, meals without screens.
Choose focus over frenzy, connection over clicks,
and time spent well over time spent lost.

Every day, you decide.
Who is in control—you or the screen?

-ChatGPT, OpenAI


The Digital Mountain


I am your Digital Habit