Be the change you wish to see in this always-on world!
We often blame our technology for the ‘addiction’ or ‘distraction’. The like button, endless scroll, autoplay, or the way social media is designed for attention is responsible!
If not technology, we also say it’s because of ‘Cultural issues’? For e.g, ‘My work or boss requires me to be always on or 24/7 connected.
While these aspects play a role in our unhealthy relationship with technology. But, the good news is that we can take control of our Digital World in some way.
This starts with an ‘Awareness of the problems with unhealthy use of devices’. There is tons of research to prove that constant unhealthy connection to tech impacts our productivity, mental and physical health, etc.
Check out my workshops here to get an awareness of our problems with Digital Devices.
After awareness, it’s about taking control through taking ‘micro-steps’. Examples could be switching off notifications, not sleeping with our phones, and keeping our phones out of sight when talking to people in person.
I would love to conclude this article with a quote from Simon Sinek
‘ Be the leader you wish you had ‘
Don’t wait for someone to role model a positive ‘Digital Wellness behavior’. Start with awareness and micro steps I mentioned and model it to people/society around you.
How do you want to change your Digital Wellness?
How would this change the Digital Wellness of people around you?
Don’t let the Digital World Shape you!
Take control and shape the Digital World!
-Rijul Arora