Rediscover Life Beyond the Screen: A Poem for Today

Pause and Scroll No More

Have you forgotten how to breathe,
not through a screen,
but through the steady rhythm of your chest?
How to look,
not at pixels,
but at eyes that meet your own?

Have you missed the sound of silence,
the kind that isn’t broken
by dings,
or buzzes,
or the endless hum of urgency?

When was the last time
you walked through a moment
without trying to capture it,
without framing it for others
before feeling it yourself?

Do you know how to wait
without a scroll,
to sit still with your thoughts,
to let boredom spark wonder
instead of another distraction?

Life is calling you back—
to mornings unlit by blue light,
to dinners filled with stories, not swipes,
to nights where your dreams
aren’t interrupted by glowing screens.

So pause.
Scroll no more.
Let the world around you
be enough.

Turn off, tune in,
and remember—
the truest connections
don’t need Wi-Fi.

Life is waiting.
Not in your notifications,
but in the spaces
you’ve been too busy to notice.

So pause.
Put the phone down.

-ChatGPT, OpenAI


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