Digital Wellness Lessons from Inside Out: Finding Harmony Online
Cinema and folklore have always inspired a new narrative in the society. It is a reflection of our ideals and values. This blog post talks about the ideas of Disney’s Inside out movie series and how we can understand digital wellbeing habits in the psychological context. Riley’s journey through the balance and interaction of different emotions can be used as a great example to understand the importance of a well balanced digital life.
The Farther the better-The harmful side of Digital Radiations
Whether it be a working professional or a student. Laptops and tablets form a significant part of our life and work culture. Let us explore what are we signing up for when we choose to bring these devices in close contact with our bodies for long time periods.
This blog explores the harmful side of digital radiations while offering practical solutions to the problem. Let us see how we can inculcate a healthy physical separation between the digital and real life.
If I Had My Digital Life to Live Over Again
Inspired by Nadine Stair's original poem If I Had My Life to Live Over, If I Had My Digital Life to Live Over Again reimagines her reflections through the lens of digital wellness. This version explores phone addiction, screen time, and the joy of unplugging to embrace meaningful, real-life moments and connections.