Disconnect to Reconnect: The Ultimate Phone Sleeping Bag Experience
We all might have heard this saying from our parents that do not sleep with your phones near you. Well that might have sounded cruel in childhood, but apparently it had some serious logic attached to it. We all are glued to our devices the entire day, from work to commute and even for socializing. It has covered every aspect of our life. The mobile phone has become probably more precious than an engagement ring nowadays. How can one keep himself apart from this magical device to get a good sleep?
Is your Bedtime Screen Time Hurting Your Health?
Just 1 more reel before I go to bed, just one more video, one more text message and then I would sleep. This is a common excuse that we all give to our conscious brain when it’s past the bedtime. Well, you would be saddened to know that apart from keeping us awake till late, our phones are much more fatal for our bedtime routine.
Exposure to blue light before sleep induces alertness and decreases the ability to relax and calm down the mind, not to mention it is also significantly problematic for one’s eyesight as well. The graphics and fast paced videos on the phone increase the serotonin levels in our body and make us anxious at the thought of giving it up.
So when you want to watch just one more reel, its not you; its your serotonin!
The most injurious of them all, the EMF radiations that are emitted from a digital device can increase your heart rate and decrease the melatonin production creating a feeling of uneasiness. An interruption free sleep is necessary to ensure a productive day ahead. But you cannot possibly lock away your phone or switch it off. The phone also serves as the most immediate point of contact at the time of an emergency. Then is it possible to lock away your phone and make it accessible at the same time? Well, the Bagby Phone Sleepping Mask offers a perfect solution to both.
Phones Need Sleep Too: The Surprising Benefits of a Sleeping Mask for Your Device
You can surely lock up your phone or keep it away during bedtime. But what about the harmful EMF radiations that it would still emit. Or what about the distraction it will induce if you keep it near your bed? This sleeping mask will take care of it. This is the world’s first sleeping bag for your phone that has been mindfully designed to help you sleep away from your phone without any distractions. It can hang away on your cupboard or door knob and also has an inbuilt charging port.
It is size inclusive and can fit any standard phone and most importantly it does not require any app or battery to function. It is recyclable and handmade with sustainable materials. Along with protecting you from phone’s captivity during sleep, it will also protect your eyes from the harmful blue light.
Apart from easy functionality, it is extremely durable and can be easily washed off for stains and spills. Afterall, even your expensive phone deserves a protective blanket because it gets you through your busy day. The Bagby phone sleeping mask ensures a distraction and digital free sleep for both you and your phone. It has already made around 10 thousand bedrooms phone free, how about you get added to that list?
Get your phones very own sleeping mask at a flat 25% off with the code PHONESLEEP25. Get your very own sleeping mask for your phone here.
-Chandrani and Rijul